Q. Recruitment Presentation
A. SCPD Hiring Process Presentaion
Q. What is the date of the exam?
A. Summer 2027
Q. What is the last date for filing?
Q. Is there a fee to take the exam?
A. Yes, there is a $125 application fee.
Q. Are there any waivers for the fee?
A. Yes, the application fee may be waived for Suffolk County Residents who are veterans, auxiliary police, members in
good standing of a local fire district or ambulance company, volunteer CERT members and members of the Suffolk County Police Explorers program. The fee may also be waived if you are unemployed and for recipients of MEDICAID, SSI, public assistance or those in a training program under the Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Incentive Act administrated by a state or local agency (subject to change without notice).
Application Fee Waiver Request
Q. If I have a disability can I be a police officer?
A. Yes, as long as the disability would not hinder the applicant's ability to meet requirements to perform the duties of a police officer. Each case is investigated independently.
Q. Are there lateral transfers?
A. No, everyone must take the Civil Service Entrance Exam,
be called from the certified list and pass the screening process.
Q. Is extra credit given to Suffolk County residents?
A. No
Q. Are there extra credit for prior service with another law enforcement agency?
A. No
Q. How can I obtain an application?
A. The Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service is encouraging
online registration. You can apply at www.joinscpd.com or www.suffolkcountyny.gov/civilservice.
Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service Ph: 631-853-5500.
Q. Where is the exam given?
A. The exam is given at several locations throughout Suffolk County. Applicants will be contacted prior to the exam date with the test site. If you are not notified, contact the Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service at Ph: 631-853-5500.
Q. What happens after taking the exam?
A. A certified list is established by the Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service. This takes approximately six (6) months to complete after the exam date.
Q. What should I expect after the list is established?
A. Depending on the candidate's test score and the hiring needs of the Department, qualified candidates are notified to begin the screening process. It takes approximately six (6) months to complete the screening process.
Q. Are recruits paid while in the academy?
A. Yes, you will receive the starting salary while in the academy.
Q. How long is the academy?
A. Seven (7) months.
Q. Are the recruits required to live at the academy
during training?
A. No, the academy is Monday-Friday, generally from 8am to 4pm.
Q. Where is the academy?
A. The Academy is located at the Suffolk County Community College, Brentwood (Western Campus), 502 Wicks Rd., Brentwood, NY 11717.
Q. How long is probation?
A. The probationary period is 18 months, including 6 months of Academy training.
Q. Is the test similar to the New York City police exam?
A. The written exam uses a multiple choice format and will assess the candidate's cognitive abilities, work styles and background information.